Training Provider – Provide a structured training site for a program trainee to learn basic work readiness skills such as world of work awareness, occupational information, getting along and working with others, punctuality, attendance, coping skills, following instructions and completing tasks, and more.
Mentor – Help a program trainee reach their full academic or employment potential by preparing them through advising, teaching skills, coaching, and challenging them to perform well.
Tutor – Assist a program trainee in need of basic literacy skills development or study skills training.
Job Shadowing – Provide an experience in which a program trainee follows one of your employees to learn about a particular job or industry.
Workplace Tour – Host a tour of your work site in which program trainee visits your workplace, talk to employees and observe or experience operations.
Internships – Provide a work experience where a program trainee learns and works in an industry or occupation directly linked to his/her academics. There is a commitment to hire the program trainee at the conclusion of the Internship.
Community Partner – Work with other professionals to identify resources or share ideas to enhance our efforts in the community.
Reference – Act as or provide a letter of reference for program individuals who participated in our program at your site location. Another option might be to act as a reference on your experience with TDH Enterprises Inc.
Volunteer opportunities for the community_________________________
Help us help you by getting involved in our training or program planning. Contact us at (419) 732-1420 or at and share your ideas.
Providing client-focused services for individuals and the community that result in self-confidence,
success and independence.